#!/bin/bash # ================== # == Env settings == # ================== # check operating system # ref: https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat/pull/5247 if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # macOS SED_COMMAND="sed -i ''" else # not macOS SED_COMMAND="sed -i" fi # ====================== # == Process the args == # ====================== # 1. Default values of arguments # Arg: -l or --lang # Determine the language to show, default is en # Arg: --url # Determine the source URL to download files SOURCE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lobehub/lobe-chat/main" # Arg: --host # Determine the server host HOST="" # 2. Parse script arguments while getopts "l:-:" opt; do case $opt in l) LANGUAGE=$OPTARG ;; -) case "${OPTARG}" in lang) LANGUAGE="${!OPTIND}" OPTIND=$(($OPTIND + 1)) ;; url) SOURCE_URL="${!OPTIND}" OPTIND=$(($OPTIND + 1)) ;; host) HOST="${!OPTIND}" OPTIND=$(($OPTIND + 1)) ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 [-l language|--lang language] [--url source] [--host serverhost]" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 [-l language|--lang language] [--url source]" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done ####################### ## Helper Functions ## ####################### # Supported languages and messages # Arg: -l --lang # If the language is not supported, default to English # Function to show messages show_message() { local key="$1" case $key in choose_language) echo "Please choose a language / 请选择语言:" echo "(0) English" echo "(1) 简体中文" ;; downloading) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "正在下载文件..." ;; *) echo "Downloading files..." ;; esac ;; extracted_success) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo " 解压成功到目录:" ;; *) echo " extracted successfully to directory: " ;; esac ;; extracted_failed) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo " 解压失败。" ;; *) echo " extraction failed." ;; esac ;; file_not_exists) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo " 不存在。" ;; *) echo " does not exist." ;; esac ;; security_secrect_regenerate) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "重新生成安全密钥..." ;; *) echo "Regenerate security secrets..." ;; esac ;; security_secrect_regenerate_failed) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "无法重新生成安全密钥:" ;; *) echo "Failed to regenerate security secrets: " ;; esac ;; host_regenerate) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "✔️ 已更新部署模式配置" ;; *) echo "✔️ Updated deployment mode configuration" ;; esac ;; host_regenerate_failed) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "无法重新生成服务器域名:" ;; *) echo "Failed to regenerate server host: " ;; esac ;; security_secrect_regenerate_report) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "安全密钥生成结果如下:" ;; *) echo "Security secret generation results are as follows:" ;; esac ;; tips_download_failed) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "$2 下载失败,请检查网络连接。" ;; *) echo "$2 Download failed, please check the network connection." ;; esac ;; tips_already_installed) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "检测到您已经运行过 LobeChat Database,本安装程序只能完成初始化配置,并不能重复安装。如果你需要重新安装,请删除 data 和 s3_data 文件夹。" ;; *) echo "It is detected that you have run LobeChat Database. This installation program can only complete the initialization configuration and cannot be reinstalled. If you need to reinstall, please delete the data and s3_data folders." ;; esac ;; tips_run_command) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "您已经完成了所有配置。请运行以下命令启动LobeChat:" ;; *) echo "You have completed all configurations. Please run this command to start LobeChat:" ;; esac ;; tips_show_documentation) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "完整的环境变量在'.env'中可以在文档中找到:" ;; *) echo "Full environment variables in the '.env' can be found at the documentation on " ;; esac ;; tips_show_documentation_url) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "https://lobehub.com/zh/docs/self-hosting/environment-variables" ;; *) echo "https://lobehub.com/docs/self-hosting/environment-variables" ;; esac ;; tips_no_executable) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "没有找到,请先安装。" ;; *) echo "not found, please install it first." ;; esac ;; tips_allow_ports) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "请确保服务器以下端口未被占用且能被访问:3210, 9000, 9001, 8000" ;; *) echo "Please make sure the following ports on the server are not occupied and can be accessed: 3210, 9000, 9001, 8000" ;; esac ;; tips_auto_detected) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "已自动识别" ;; *) echo "Auto-detected" ;; esac ;; tips_private_ip_detected) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "注意,当前识别到内网 IP,如果需要外部访问,请替换为公网 IP 地址" ;; *) echo "Note that the current internal IP is detected. If you need external access, please replace it with the public IP address." ;; esac ;; tips_add_reverse_proxy) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "请在你的反向代理中完成域名到端口的映射:" ;; *) echo "Please complete the mapping of domain to port in your reverse proxy:" ;; esac ;; tips_no_docker_permission) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "WARN: 看起来当前用户没有 Docker 权限。" echo "使用 'sudo usermod -aG docker $USER' 为用户分配 Docker 权限(可能需要重新启动 shell)。" ;; *) echo "WARN: It look like the current user does not have Docker permissions." echo "Use 'sudo usermod -aG docker $USER' to assign Docker permissions to the user (may require restarting shell)." ;; esac ;; tips_init_database_failed) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "无法初始化数据库,为了避免你的数据重复初始化,请在首次成功启动时运行以下指令清空 Casdoor 初始配置文件:" echo "echo '{}' > init_data.json" ;; *) echo "Failed to initialize the database. To avoid your data being initialized repeatedly, run the following command to unmount the initial configuration file of Casdoor when you first start successfully:" echo "echo '{}' > init_data.json" ;; esac ;; ask_regenerate_secrets) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "是否要重新生成安全密钥?" ;; *) echo "Do you want to regenerate security secrets?" ;; esac ;; ask_deploy_mode) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "请选择部署模式:" echo "(0) 域名模式(访问时无需指明端口),需要使用反向代理服务 LobeChat, MinIO, Casdoor ,并分别分配一个域名;" echo "(1) 端口模式(访问时需要指明端口,如使用IP访问,或域名+端口访问),需要放开指定端口;" echo "(2) 本地模式(仅供本地测试使用)" echo "如果你对这些内容疑惑,可以先选择使用本地模式进行部署,稍后根据文档指引再进行修改。" echo "https://lobehub.com/docs/self-hosting/server-database/docker-compose" ;; *) echo "Please select the deployment mode:" echo "(0) Domain mode (no need to specify the port when accessing), you need to use the reverse proxy service LobeChat, MinIO, Casdoor, and assign a domain name respectively;" echo "(1) Port mode (need to specify the port when accessing, such as using IP access, or domain name + port access), you need to open the specified port;" echo "(2) Local mode (for local testing only)" echo "If you are confused about these contents, you can choose to deploy in local mode first, and then modify according to the document guide later." echo "https://lobehub.com/docs/self-hosting/server-database/docker-compose" ;; esac ;; ask_host) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo " 部署IP/域名" ;; *) echo " Deploy IP/Domain" ;; esac ;; ask_domain) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "服务的域名(例如 $2 ,不要包含协议前缀):" ;; *) echo "The domain of the service (e.g. $2, do not include the protocol prefix):" ;; esac ;; ask_protocol) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "域名是否使用 https 协议? (所有服务需要使用同一协议)" ;; *) echo "Does the domain use the https protocol? (All services need to use the same protocol)" ;; esac ;; ask_init_database) case $LANGUAGE in zh_CN) echo "是否初始化数据库?" ;; *) echo "Do you want to initialize the database?" ;; esac ;; esac } # Function to download files download_file() { wget --show-progress "$1" -O "$2" # If run failed, exit if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then show_message "tips_download_failed" "$2" exit 1 fi } print_centered() { # Define colors declare -A colors colors=( [black]="\e[30m" [red]="\e[31m" [green]="\e[32m" [yellow]="\e[33m" [blue]="\e[34m" [magenta]="\e[35m" [cyan]="\e[36m" [white]="\e[37m" [reset]="\e[0m" ) local text="$1" # Get input texts local color="${2:-reset}" # Get color, default to reset local term_width=$(tput cols) # Get terminal width local text_length=${#text} # Get text length local padding=$(((term_width - text_length) / 2)) # Get padding # Check if the color is valid if [[ -z "${colors[$color]}" ]]; then echo "Invalid color specified. Available colors: ${!colors[@]}" return 1 fi # Print the text with padding printf "%*s${colors[$color]}%s${colors[reset]}\n" $padding "" "$text" } # Usage: # ```sh # ask "prompt" "default" "description" # echo $ask_result # ``` # "prompt" ["description" "default"]: ask() { local prompt="$1" local default="$2" local description="$3" # Add a space after the description if it is not empty if [ -n "$description" ]; then description="$description " fi local result if [ -n "$default" ]; then read -p "$prompt [${description}${default}]: " result result=${result:-$default} else read -p "$prompt: " result fi # trim and assign to global variable ask_result=$(echo "$result" | xargs) } #################### ## Main Process ## #################### # =============== # == Variables == # =============== # File list SUB_DIR="docker-compose/local" FILES=( "$SUB_DIR/docker-compose.yml" "$SUB_DIR/init_data.json" "$SUB_DIR/searxng-settings.yml" ) ENV_EXAMPLES=( "$SUB_DIR/.env.zh-CN.example" "$SUB_DIR/.env.example" ) # Default values CASDOOR_PASSWORD="123" CASDOOR_SECRET="CASDOOR_SECRET" MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="YOUR_MINIO_PASSWORD" CASDOOR_HOST="localhost:8000" MINIO_HOST="localhost:9000" PROTOCOL="http" # If no language is specified, ask the user to choose if [ -z "$LANGUAGE" ]; then show_message "choose_language" ask "(0,1)" "0" case $ask_result in 0) LANGUAGE="en_US" ;; 1) LANGUAGE="zh_CN" ;; *) echo "Invalid language: $ask_result" exit 1 ;; esac fi section_download_files(){ # Download files asynchronously if ! command -v wget &> /dev/null ; then echo "wget" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") exit 1 fi download_file "$SOURCE_URL/${FILES[0]}" "docker-compose.yml" download_file "$SOURCE_URL/${FILES[1]}" "init_data.json" download_file "$SOURCE_URL/${FILES[2]}" "searxng-settings.yml" # Download .env.example with the specified language if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "zh_CN" ]; then download_file "$SOURCE_URL/${ENV_EXAMPLES[0]}" ".env" else download_file "$SOURCE_URL/${ENV_EXAMPLES[1]}" ".env" fi } # If the folder `data` or `s3_data` exists, warn the user if [ -d "data" ] || [ -d "s3_data" ]; then show_message "tips_already_installed" exit 0 else section_download_files fi section_configurate_host() { DEPLOY_MODE=$ask_result show_message "host_regenerate" # If run in local mode, skip this step if [[ "$DEPLOY_MODE" == "2" ]]; then HOST="localhost:3210" LOBE_HOST="$HOST" return 0 fi # Configurate protocol for domain if [[ "$DEPLOY_MODE" == "0" ]]; then # Ask if enable https echo $(show_message "ask_protocol") ask "(y/n)" "y" if [[ "$ask_result" == "y" ]]; then PROTOCOL="https" # Replace all http with https $SED_COMMAND "s#http://#https://#" .env fi fi # Check if sed is installed if ! command -v $SED_COMMAND &> /dev/null ; then echo "sed" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") exit 1 fi # If user not specify host, try to get the server ip if [ -z "$HOST" ]; then HOST=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') # If the host is a private ip and the deploy mode is port mode if [[ "$DEPLOY_MODE" == "1" ]] && ([[ "$HOST" == "192.168."* ]] || [[ "$HOST" == "172."* ]] || [[ "$HOST" == "10."* ]]); then echo $(show_message "tips_private_ip_detected") fi fi case $DEPLOY_MODE in 0) DEPLOY_MODE="domain" echo "LobeChat" $(show_message "ask_domain" "example.com") ask "(example.com)" LOBE_HOST="$ask_result" # If user use domain mode, ask for the domain of Minio and Casdoor echo "Minio S3 API" $(show_message "ask_domain" "minio.example.com") ask "(minio.example.com)" MINIO_HOST="$ask_result" echo "Casdoor API" $(show_message "ask_domain" "auth.example.com") ask "(auth.example.com)" CASDOOR_HOST="$ask_result" # Setup callback url for Casdoor $SED_COMMAND "s/"example.com"/${LOBE_HOST}/" init_data.json ;; 1) DEPLOY_MODE="ip" ask $(printf "%s%s" "LobeChat" $(show_message "ask_host")) "$HOST" $(printf "%s" $(show_message "tips_auto_detected")) LOBE_HOST="$ask_result" # If user use ip mode, use ask_result as the host HOST="$ask_result" # If user use ip mode, append the port to the host LOBE_HOST="${HOST}:3210" MINIO_HOST="${HOST}:9000" CASDOOR_HOST="${HOST}:8000" # Setup callback url for Casdoor $SED_COMMAND "s/"localhost:3210"/${LOBE_HOST}/" init_data.json ;; *) echo "Invalid deploy mode: $ask_result" exit 1 ;; esac # lobe host $SED_COMMAND "s#^APP_URL=.*#APP_URL=$PROTOCOL://$LOBE_HOST#" .env # auth related $SED_COMMAND "s#^AUTH_URL=.*#AUTH_URL=$PROTOCOL://$LOBE_HOST/api/auth#" .env $SED_COMMAND "s#^AUTH_CASDOOR_ISSUER=.*#AUTH_CASDOOR_ISSUER=$PROTOCOL://$CASDOOR_HOST#" .env $SED_COMMAND "s#^origin=.*#origin=$PROTOCOL://$CASDOOR_HOST#" .env # s3 related $SED_COMMAND "s#^S3_PUBLIC_DOMAIN=.*#S3_PUBLIC_DOMAIN=$PROTOCOL://$MINIO_HOST#" .env $SED_COMMAND "s#^S3_ENDPOINT=.*#S3_ENDPOINT=$PROTOCOL://$MINIO_HOST#" .env # Check if env modified success if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "host_regenerate_failed") "$HOST in \`.env\`" fi } show_message "ask_deploy_mode" ask "(0,1,2)" "2" if [[ "$ask_result" == "0" ]] || [[ "$ask_result" == "1" ]] || [[ "$ask_result" == "2" ]]; then section_configurate_host else echo "Invalid deploy mode: $ask_result, please select 0, 1 or 2." exit 1 fi # ========================== # === Regenerate Secrets === # ========================== section_regenerate_secrets() { # Check if openssl is installed if ! command -v openssl &> /dev/null ; then echo "openssl" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") exit 1 fi if ! command -v tr &> /dev/null ; then echo "tr" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") exit 1 fi if ! command -v fold &> /dev/null ; then echo "fold" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") exit 1 fi if ! command -v head &> /dev/null ; then echo "head" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") exit 1 fi generate_key() { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Usage: generate_key " return 1 fi echo $(openssl rand -hex $1 | tr -d '\n' | fold -w $1 | head -n 1) } if ! command -v sed &> /dev/null ; then echo "sed" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") exit 1 fi echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate") # Generate CASDOOR_SECRET CASDOOR_SECRET=$(generate_key 32) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_failed") "CASDOOR_SECRET" else # Search and replace the value of CASDOOR_SECRET in .env $SED_COMMAND "s#^AUTH_CASDOOR_SECRET=.*#AUTH_CASDOOR_SECRET=${CASDOOR_SECRET}#" .env if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_failed") "AUTH_CASDOOR_SECRET in \`.env\`" fi # replace `clientSecrect` in init_data.json $SED_COMMAND "s#dbf205949d704de81b0b5b3603174e23fbecc354#${CASDOOR_SECRET}#" init_data.json if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_failed") "AUTH_CASDOOR_SECRET in \`init_data.json\`" fi fi # Generate Casdoor User CASDOOR_USER="admin" CASDOOR_PASSWORD=$(generate_key 10) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_failed") "CASDOOR_PASSWORD" CASDOOR_PASSWORD="123" else # replace `password` in init_data.json $SED_COMMAND "s/"123"/${CASDOOR_PASSWORD}/" init_data.json if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_failed") "CASDOOR_PASSWORD in \`init_data.json\`" fi fi # Generate Minio S3 User Password MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(generate_key 8) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_failed") "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD" MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="YOUR_MINIO_PASSWORD" else # Search and replace the value of S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in .env $SED_COMMAND "s#^MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=.*#MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD}#" .env if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_failed") "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD in \`.env\`" fi fi } show_message "ask_regenerate_secrets" ask "(y/n)" "y" if [[ "$ask_result" == "y" ]]; then section_regenerate_secrets fi section_init_database() { if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null ; then echo "docker" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") return 1 fi if ! docker compose &> /dev/null ; then echo "docker compose" $(show_message "tips_no_executable") return 1 fi # Check if user has permissions to run Docker by trying to get the status of Docker (docker status). # If this fails, the user probably does not have permissions for Docker. # ref: https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/blob/89e5c08a1fe4ca0b7641ae8fbd5554502199ae40/install-paperless-ngx.sh#L64-L72 if ! docker stats --no-stream &> /dev/null ; then echo $(show_message "tips_no_docker_permission") return 1 fi docker compose pull docker compose up --detach postgresql casdoor # hopefully enough time for even the slower systems sleep 15 docker compose stop # Init finished, remove init mount echo '{}' > init_data.json } show_message "ask_init_database" ask "(y/n)" "y" if [[ "$ask_result" == "y" ]]; then # If return 1 means failed section_init_database if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(show_message "tips_init_database_failed") fi else show_message "tips_init_database_failed" fi section_display_configurated_report() { # Display configuration reports echo $(show_message "security_secrect_regenerate_report") echo -e "LobeChat: \n - URL: $PROTOCOL://$LOBE_HOST \n - Username: user \n - Password: ${CASDOOR_PASSWORD} " echo -e "Casdoor: \n - URL: $PROTOCOL://$CASDOOR_HOST \n - Username: admin \n - Password: ${CASDOOR_PASSWORD}\n" echo -e "Minio: \n - URL: $PROTOCOL://$MINIO_HOST \n - Username: admin\n - Password: ${MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD}\n" # if user run in domain mode, diplay reverse proxy configuration if [[ "$DEPLOY_MODE" == "domain" ]]; then echo $(show_message "tips_add_reverse_proxy") printf "\n%s\t->\t%s\n" "$LOBE_HOST" "" printf "%s\t->\t%s\n" "$CASDOOR_HOST" "" printf "%s\t->\t%s\n" "$MINIO_HOST" "" fi # Display final message printf "\n%s\n\n" "$(show_message "tips_run_command")" print_centered "docker compose up -d" "green" printf "\n%s\n" "$(show_message "tips_allow_ports")" printf "\n%s" "$(show_message "tips_show_documentation")" printf "%s\n" $(show_message "tips_show_documentation_url") } section_display_configurated_report